Frequently Asked Questions

Much of aging is caused by deficiencies in many of the hormones that our bodies once produced in abundance. BioFit replaces hormones to the level of an average 25-year-old male.
Is hormone replacement therapy expensive?
The average monthly cost for thyroid hormone is $10-$20 per month, testosterone about $40-$80 per month, and growth hormone about $400 to $600 per month.
Does BioFit accept insurance?
BioFit does not accept insurance. Upon request we will be happy to provide you with a properly coded medical bill. This document should help if you wish to pursue reimbursement from your insurance company.
What is BioFit Fitness Medicine all about?
BioFit is focused on helping men live healthier, more active lives through hormone replacement, nutrition and exercise. BioFit patients are seeing remarkable improvements in body composition, energy level, and revitalized sex drive and performance. Our goal is to make these state-of-the-art therapies, previously available only to the very wealthy, affordable for the average person.
What exactly is Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is the science of replenishing hormones that are no longer being adequately produced by the body. Much of aging is caused by deficiencies in many of the hormones that our bodies once produced in abundance. BioFit replaces hormones to the level of an average 25 year old male.
How long before you can actually see or feel results?
While this varies with each person, many people feel changes within just a few days. You can expect to see significant results within 4 to 6 weeks after starting a program.
How long do I have to be on these therapies?
We recommend that patients commit to the program for at least 12 months. The longer you stay on the program, the greater the results, and the younger you will look and feel. You should remain on the program for as long as you want to optimize your health.
I don't live in the Palm Springs area. Can I still become a
BioFit patient?
The majority of BioFit's patients do live in Southern California, but a large number live elsewhere around the country. While the doctor needs to see patients in person a few times per year and there's no substitute for that, much of the routine lab work can be done where you live. Palm Springs is an appealing resort town to visit and has its own international airport so it's easy to get here from anywhere in the country.
What happens if I stop the program?
If you should elect to stop, you will not experience sudden accelerated aging. Your body simply will begin to age again at a normal rate, and the benefits you have achieved will gradually fade over time.
How do I find out if I’m eligible for hormone therapy?
Before entering a BioFit program, individuals take a simple blood test which determines their hormone levels and their eligibility.
At what age should a person start such a program?
A person does not need to consider HRT until their body begins to lower its hormone production. Thirty-five is a good age to have your levels checked, because that is when levels usually begin to drop. There is no upper-limit age barrier. In fact the older the individual, the more dramatic and visible the results generally are.
Does BioFit treat women too?
The treatment of hormone deficiencies in women is a different specialty than it is for men. BioFit focuses exclusively on treating male patients.
Will the BioFit treatment program interfere with the other medications I’m taking?
Generally not. In fact some medications may no longer be needed. Your BioFit physician will be able to advise you on this, and will be happy to consult with your own doctor.
Will my BioFit physician take over as my primary care doctor?
No. You should continue seeing your regular doctor as you have in the past.
What about all the over-the-counter growth hormone products I see advertised?
There are no oral, nasal, sublingual, or transdermal growth hormone products that have any merit whatsoever. Many of the companies that are promoting “Oral HGH” or “Nasal Spray HGH” are under federal investigation. The only effective delivery method for HGH is by subdermal injection.
Is all this legal?
Yes. HGH was approved by the FDA in 1996 for adult growth hormone deficiency. Testosterone has been similarly approved for many years. These hormones are available only by prescription.
Are HGH and testosterone safe?
HGH and testosterone are very safe in physiological doses. There is no evidence that physiological doses of HGH or testosterone cause cancer of any kind. In fact, HGH and testosterone have been proven to be extremely helpful in strengthening the body, improving the immune system, and preventing the onset of diseases usually associated with aging.